Well people, we gotta be honest, we never thought this could happen in a million years.<sarcasm> "The Man" is yet again finding a way to keep the good people down.  Ya see, we recently made a video for penncord's "Power of Your Voice" voting contest.  And we spent all this time making it respectable, but keeping it true to our nature, trying to grab your attention before hitting you with all the voting crap. And maybe it's just our bias-ness, our video was easily a top contender.  But, and here's the kicker, you need a paypal account to enter. Yes, that's right, the contest was reaching out to young kids, as a chance to promote voting, yet you need your own paypal account. What kind of 13 year old has his/her own paypal. Well, they can continue to do absolutely nothing about the "real" problem, people will keep winning(even though they suck, and do not deserve it), and we will just publish our video for your entertainment.                                                                                                                                                            -Team Undertoe

What do you guys think, we really want to know.